Тендеры и конкурсные торги / Москва / Недвижимость / земля


Поставка напольных башенных вентиляторов (#56470205)

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Procurement notice "Simplified procurement № 2845941"
Form and procurement method:
Opened simplified procurement in electronic form without prequalification
Number of the procurement on the official website:
Link to the procurement on the official website:
Procedure number on OSS:
Not specified
"NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH", Германия, 63755, Германия, 63755, Deutschland, Alzenau, Industriestrasse 13
Contact person:
Альварез-Кулеша Анна
Начальник отдела закупочных процедур
Procurement procedure name:
No information available
A list of lots:
Lot № General procurement procedure name (lot) Name of the item Price of lot Status
Lot №1
Item №1
690,20 EUR including VAT Bid submission is expected
General price:
690,20 EUR
Publication date:
13.09.2021 14:04
Source of funding:
Own funds
The rest and more detailed terms of the simplified procurement are contained in the procurement documentation, which is an integral part to this procurement notice
Procedure for the registration on the website:
Bidder registration procedure for participation in procurement procedure on the above subject is specified in section "Connection" on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Procedure for submission bids:
Bids for participation in the procurement procedure and for pre-qualification selection (if provided) shall be submitted by bidders in the electronic form through the electronic document management system on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Place and procedure of the simplified procurement:
Simplified procurement shall be executed on the electronic trading platform (ETP) Fabrikant on the Internet at the following URL: www.fabrikant.ru in the manner prescribed by the regulations set by such ETP in accordance with the terms and requirements of the procurement documentation on Simplified procurement.
Evaluation criteria:
The winner of the Simplified procurement is the bidder who offered the best terms and conditions for performance of the contract based on the set of criteria established by the documentation.
Information about the right of the organizer (Customer) of cancel procedure:
The organizer of the procurement by the decision of the customer, has the right to cancel simplified procurement at any time until summing up of results of procurement only in the case provided by the RPMS
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure

Submission of bids through the System guarantees that the bids will be considered by the organizer of the procurement procedure

The procedure "Simplified procurement" is not a tender under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the customer / organizer of the "Simplified procurement" has the right, but not the obligation, to conclude a contract with the winner of the procurement procedure

Lot №1,

Hide lot №1
Procurement notice "Simplified procurement № 2845941-1" (Bid submission is expected)
Participate: (*Moscow time)
Organizer: "NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH", Германия, 63755, Германия, 63755, Deutschland, Alzenau, Industriestrasse 13
Contact person of Organizer: Альварез-Кулеша Анна
Начальник отдела закупочных процедур
Information about customers:
Name Contact information INN KPP
Subject of procurement:
No information available
Subject matter of the contract by lot:
No information available
Category of product:
The initial (maximum) contract price:
690,20 EUR (including VAT)
Performance terms:
No information available
Payment terms:
No information available
Procurement bid security: Not required
Evaluation criteria:
Sign of belonging to the subjects of small and medium-sized business:
There are no requirements on attribution to SME
Scheduled dates:
Starting date and time for bid submission:
13.09.2021 14:05
Date and time of the bid submission deadline:
20.09.2021 10:00
Bid opening date:
20.09.2021 10:00
End date for bids consideration:
04.10.2021 23:59
Date of bid evaluation and summing up of the procurement results:
Deadline for contract conclusion since winner selection:

Any VAT rate can be specified In the proposal before submitting

Name of the item Material Group Quantity Vat rate Start of delivery End of delivery
1 1.000 10% 11.10.2021 22.10.2021
Participation forms:
Procurement bid
Cost summary table for goods delivery
Technical proposal
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure
Экспертиза заявки ( ? )

Вопросы претендентов/участников - 0

Источник тендера:
только для подписчиков »

Источник тендера:
только для подписчиков »

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Заказчик обращает внимание на то, что данная процедура не является торгами и не регулируется статьями 447—449, 1057—1061 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации. Таким образом, проведение запроса предложений не накладывает на заказчика/организатора соответствующего объема гражданско-правовых обязательств, включая обязательств по обязательному заключению договора с победителем или участником. Заказчик может отказаться от проведения запроса предложений в любое время, не неся при этом никакой ответственности перед участниками, в том числе по возмещению каких-либо затрат, связанных с подготовкой и подачей заявки на участие в запросе предложений; Не является офертой.


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