Тендеры и конкурсные торги / Москва / Недвижимость / земля


Оказание услуг предоставления волоконно-оптических каналов связи корпоративной сети передачи данных (КСПД) для офисов AKKUYU NUKLEER ANONIM SIRKETI в Турецкой Республике (#61044638)

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Procurement notice "Request for quotations № 2910981"
Number of the procurement on the official website:
Link to the procurement on the official website:
Procedure number on OSS:
Not specified
Form of procurement:
Open form
АО Аккую Нуклеар, Турция, Квартал Мустафа Кемаль, бульвар Думлупынар, блок Б, улица 274/7, этаж 11, № 117, 06530, Чанкая, Анкара
Contact person:
Челик Исмаил
Ведущий специалист
Procurement procedure name:
Право заключения договора на (en) Provision of services for the provision of fiber-optic communication channels of the corporate data Transmission Network (KSPD) forthe offices of AKKUYU NUKLEER ANONIM SIRKETI in the Republic of Turkey
A list of lots:
Lot № General procurement procedure name (lot) Name of the item Price of lot Status
Lot №1
Item №1
622 310,40 TRY including VAT Bid submission is expected
Item №2
General price:
622 310,40 TRY including VAT
Publication date:
15.03.2022 12:27
Source of funding:
Own funds
The rest and more detailed terms of the request for quotations are contained in the procurement documentation, which is an integral part to this procurement notice
Procedure for the registration on the website:
Bidder registration procedure for participation in procurement procedure on the above subject is specified in section "Connection" on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Procedure for submission bids:
Bids for participation in the procurement procedure shall be submitted by bidders in the electronic form through the electronic document management system on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Evaluation criteria:
The winner of the Request for quotations is the admitted participant who offered the lowest price of the contract, provided that his application meets the requirements of the procurement documentation.
Information about the right of the organizer (Customer) of cancel procedure:
The organizer of the procurement by the decision of the customer, has the right to cancel request for quotations at any time until summing up of results of procurement only in the case provided by the RPMS
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure

The procedure "Request for quotations" is not a tender under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the customer / organizer of the "Request for quotations" has the right, but not the obligation, to conclude a contract with the winner of the procurement procedure

Lot №1,

Hide lot №1
Procurement notice "Request for quotations № 2910981-1" (Bid submission is expected)
Participate: (*Moscow time)
Possibility of rebidding procedure:
Attention! Suspension of rebidding is possible in accordance with paragraph 10 of section 1 of Appendix 12 of the RPMS
Organizer: АО Аккую Нуклеар, Турция, Квартал Мустафа Кемаль, бульвар Думлупынар, блок Б, улица 274/7, этаж 11, № 117, 06530, Чанкая, Анкара
Contact person of Organizer: Челик Исмаил
Ведущий специалист
Information about customers:
Name Contact information INN KPP
AKKUYU NUKLEER ANONIM SIRKETI Место нахождения (en): 06530
Subject of procurement:
Право заключения договора на (en) provision of services for the provision of fiber-optic communication channels of the corporate data Transmission Network (KSPD) forthe offices of AKKUYU NUKLEER ANONIM SIRKETI in the Republic of Turkey
Subject matter of the contract by lot:
No information available
Category of product:
The initial (maximum) contract price:
622 310,40 TRY (including VAT)
534 798,00 TRY (net of VAT)
Performance terms:
in accordance with the terms of the procurement documentation
Payment terms:
в соответствии с условиями закупочной документации
Procurement bid security: Not required
Contract performance security: Ensuring is not required
Sign of belonging to the subjects of small and medium-sized business:
There are no requirements on attribution to SME
Scheduled dates:
Starting date and time for bid submission:
15.03.2022 12:27
Date and time of the bid submission deadline:
23.03.2022 14:00
Bid opening date:
23.03.2022 14:00
Date of the qualifying stage:
No later than 12.04.2022 23:59 on the website on the Internet at: www.fabrikant.ru.
Date of summing up of the procurement results:
12.04.2022 23:59
Deadline for contract conclusion since winner selection:

Any VAT rate can be specified In the proposal before submitting

Name of the item Material Group Quantity Vat rate Comparison basis Start of delivery End of delivery
1 1.000 300 18% Yes - taxes excluded 13.05.2022 13.05.2025
2 1.000 300 0% Yes - taxes excluded 13.05.2022 13.05.2025
Requirements for procurement participants:

Required documents:


Required documents:


Required documents:


Required documents:


Required documents:


Required documents:


Required documents:

View participant requirements

Requirements for the product:

Required documents:

View product requirements

Participation forms:
Cost summary table for services provision
Schedule of payment
Procurement bid
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure
Экспертиза заявки ( ? )

Questions from applicants / participants - 0

Complaints from participants - 0

Источник тендера:
только для подписчиков »

Источник тендера:
только для подписчиков »

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Преобразователь измерительный П-215М
Поставка пленки полиэтиленовой


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