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Поставка Хлора натрия (NaC1O3), кристаллического (#64138214)

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Procurement notice "Procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements № 2962865"
Form and procurement method:
Opened procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements in electronic form without prequalification
Number of the procurement on the official website:
Link to the procurement on the official website:
Procedure number on OSS:
Not specified
Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью "SVETOCH", Казахстан, 010000, Республика Казахстан, город Нур-Султан, ул. Кунаева, дом 2
Contact person:
Мамайчук Екатерина Александровна
Procurement procedure name:
Право заключения договора на (en) Supply of sodium chlorine (NaC1O3), crystalline
A list of lots:
Lot № General procurement procedure name (lot) Name of the item Price of lot Status
Lot №1
Supply of sodium chlorine (NaC1O3), crystalline
Item №1
Unpriced, USD Bid submission is expected
General price:
Not specified, USD
Publication date:
28.07.2022 18:01
Source of funding:
Own funds
The rest and more detailed terms of the procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements are contained in the procurement documentation, which is an integral part to this procurement notice
Procedure for the registration on the website:
Bidder registration procedure for participation in procurement procedure on the above subject is specified in section "Connection" on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Procedure for submission bids:
Bids for participation in the procurement procedure and for pre-qualification selection (if provided) shall be submitted by bidders in the electronic form through the electronic document management system on the website at URL: www.fabrikant.ru.
Place and procedure of the procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements:
Procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements shall be executed on the electronic trading platform (ETP) Fabrikant on the Internet at the following URL: www.fabrikant.ru in the manner prescribed by the regulations set by such ETP in accordance with the terms and requirements of the procurement documentation on Procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements.
Evaluation criteria:
The winner of the Procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements is the bidder who offered the best terms and conditions for performance of the contract based on the set of criteria established by the documentation.
Information about the right of the organizer (Customer) of cancel procedure:
The organizer of the procurement by the decision of the customer, has the right to cancel procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements at any time until summing up of results of procurement only in the case provided by the RPMS
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure

Submission of bids through the System guarantees that the bids will be considered by the organizer of the procurement procedure

The procedure "Procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements" is not a tender under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the customer / organizer of the "Procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements" has the right, but not the obligation, to conclude a contract with the winner of the procurement procedure

Lot №1, Supply of sodium chlorine (NaC1O3), crystalline

Hide lot №1
Procurement notice "Procurements in pursuance of revenue agreements № 2962865-1" (Bid submission is expected)
Participate: (*Moscow time)
Organizer: Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью "SVETOCH", Казахстан, 010000, Республика Казахстан, город Нур-Султан, ул. Кунаева, дом 2
Contact person of Organizer: Мамайчук Екатерина Александровна
Information about customers:
Name Contact information INN KPP
Limited Liability Partnership SVETOCH Место нахождения (en): 130000
Subject of procurement:
Право заключения договора на (en) Supply of sodium chlorine (NaC1O3), crystalline
Subject matter of the contract by lot:
Supply of sodium chlorine (NaC1O3), crystalline
Category of product:
The initial (maximum) contract price:
Not established, USD
Performance terms:
according to the terms of contract
Payment terms:
No information available
Procurement bid security: Not required
Contract performance security:
Securing contractual obligations:
Form of security Information about security
Bank guarantee, money, suretyship
Evaluation criteria:
1. Contract price; 2. Participant qualification; 2.1. Competitive bidding process participant experience.
Sign of belonging to the subjects of small and medium-sized business:
There are no requirements on attribution to SME
Scheduled dates:
Starting date and time for bid submission:
28.07.2022 18:01
Date and time of the bid submission deadline:
02.08.2022 10:00
Bid opening date:
02.08.2022 10:00
End date for bids consideration:
05.08.2022 23:59
Date of bid evaluation and summing up of the procurement results:
Deadline for contract conclusion since winner selection:

Any VAT rate can be specified In the proposal before submitting

Name of the item Material Group Quantity Vat rate Comparison basis Start of delivery End of delivery
1 SODIUM CHLORATE Комплексы программно-аппаратные 1.000 300 VAT exempt No - taxes included 05.08.2022 05.09.2022
Requirements for procurement participants:
1 shall be registered as a legal entity in accordance with the procedure established in the Russian Federation (for Russian legal entities); shall be registered as an individual entrepreneur, in accordance with the procedure established in the Russian Federation (for Russian individual entrepreneurs); shall be registered as a subject of the civil law in accordance with the laws in force at the place of its location (for foreign participants of competitive bidding)

Required documents:

  • copies of constituent documents as amended from time to time (for legal entities);
  • An application to use the simplified taxation system by the competitive bidding participant filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per Form 1 “The Application for participation in procurement” (for those participants of competitive bidding who apply such system)
  • a) copies of documents confirming state registration, including the following: - for legal entities - a copy of extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (extract from EGRUL (Unified State Register of Legal Entities)); - for individual entrepreneurs - a copy of extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (extract from EGRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs)). - The extracts from EGRUL or EGRIP shall be obtained not earlier than 6 months (and in case of any changes - not earlier than such changes are entered into the related register) prior to the day of official publication of the public notice on competitive bidding it is permitted to provide the specified extracts, executed using website http://egrul.nalog.ru/#; - for other individual persons - copies of identification documents; - for foreign persons - copies of documents confirming their state registration as a subject of the civil law in accordance with the laws in force at the place of its location which shall be attached with translation into the official language of procurement in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documentation; as part of hard copy applications, such documents shall be submitted in legalized form (they may be apostilled) with notarized translation into the official language of procurement;
  • a copy of the document proving the person"s authority to sign the application on behalf of the participant of competitive bidding (documents proving the authority of the person acting as sole executive body (for a legal entity); the power of attorney, if the application is signed under a power of attorney). If the application and (or) the documents included into it are signed by different entities, then the documents proving the person"s authority to sign the application and (or) the documents included into it shall be provided for each signatory according to their authority;
  • statement of liability filled by the participant of competitive bidding as per Form 1 "The Application” which ensures that the following will be provided before the conclusion of the contract in case of such conclusion: - decision to approve or to close a major transaction if such decision is required for closing a major transaction in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and with the constituent documents of the legal entity and if conclusion of the contract or provision of a security for the application or for the contract is a major transaction for the participant of competitive bidding; - decision to approve or to close an interested-party transaction if such approval is required in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and with the constituent documents of the legal entity and if conclusion of the contract or provision of a security for the application or for the contract is an interested-party transaction for the participant of competitive bidding or information confirming that this transaction is not a major transaction and/or an interested-party transaction for such a participant of competitive bidding, or that the competitive bidding participant’s organization is not subjected to the requirements of the legislation to provide the decision to approve or to close a major transaction and/or an interested-party transaction, since the sole participant (shareholder) is the sole executive body.
2 if the contract is planned to be executed in the territory of the Russian Federation: shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation (for Russian participants of competitive bidding); shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place of location of such participant of competitive bidding and in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation (for foreign participants of competitive bidding); if the contract is planned to be executed in the territory of a foreign country: shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation (for Russian participants of competitive bidding); shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place of location of such participant of competitive bidding (for foreign participants of competitive bidding); shall have the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place where the contract is performed (for Russian and foreign participants of competitive bidding).

Required documents:

  • confirmation filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per form 1 "Application for participation in a competitive bidding" that there is the right to perform activities in accordance with the laws in force at the place of location of the participant of competitive bidding and at the place where the contract shall be performed. Foreign participants of competitive bidding should additionally provide a brief explanatory note specifying the following: - statutory provisions applicable in the country, where it is located or carries out activities, and regulating their legal capacity and conditions of the activity connected with fulfillment of obligations under the contract to be concluded as a result of the competitive bidding; - name and details (number and date of coming into force and number and date of the current version) of national regulatory legal acts, in accordance with which the foreign participant of competitive bidding carries out its activities.
3 absence of unpaid taxes, fees other outstanding obligatory payments to the budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation: for the Russian participants – the participant does not have unpaid taxes, fees other outstanding obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation (except amounts for which an extension, deferment, investment tax credit has been granted in accordance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation restructured according to the laws of the Russian Federation, regarding which there is a legally effective court order recognizing the bidder’s obligations to pay the said amounts as fulfilled or non-recoverable in accordance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation) for the expired calendar year in the amount exceeding twenty-five per cent of the book value of assets based on the financial statements for the last accounting period, or if the bidder has submitted an appeal against the said arrears, outstanding payments in the established order and the decision on this appeal has not been taken as of the date of review of the application

Required documents:

  • h) a confirmation by the participant of the procurement form 1 “Application for participation in the procurement”: - absence of arrears in taxes, fees, debts on other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation (except for the amounts for which the deferment, installments are granted, investment tax credit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, which are restructured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for which there is a valid court decision recognizing the applicant"s obligation to pay these amounts executed or recognized as hopeless for recovery in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees) for the last calendar year, the amount of which exceeds twenty-five percent of balance sheets oh value of the assets of the procurement participant, according to the financial statements for the last reporting period; - information on the appeal of the specified arrears, debts, if the procurement participant submitted an application in the prescribed manner and a decision on such an application was not made on the date of consideration of applications.
4 shall not be an organization, the property of which in the part needed for performance of the contract is arrested under a decision of the court or administrative body; and (or) the activity of which is suspended;

Required documents:

  • confirmation filled in by the participant of competitive bidding as per form 1 "Application for participation in a competitive bidding" that: - property of the participant of competitive bidding is not arrested by a decision of the court or administrative body; - the competitive bidding participant’s activity is not suspended.
5 level of financial resources availability for the participant of competitive bidding must be at least 30 points, according to the calculation methodology

Required documents:

  • copies of accounting (financial) statements for the expired financial year and for the expired period of a financial year (6 months of the current financial year/9 months of the current financial year) and/or other form of the provision of information about bidders in accordance with the requirements and with the procedure provided for by section 3 of the documentation.
6 absence of information about the participant of competitive bidding in the following registers of bad-faith suppliers: - in the register which is being kept in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ (223-ФЗ) "On procurement of goods, work, services by certain types of legal entities”; - in the register which is being kept in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Russian Federation on placement of state and municipal orders; - [established additionally by the customers which are not covered by 223-FZ] in the register of bad-faith suppliers of ROSATOM and organizations of ROSATOM; - the register which is being kept in accordance with the statutory provisions of the country, in the territory of which the products to be supplied under the contract will be used.

Required documents:

  • no documents shall be submitted. The business owner of the procurement process (customer) shall check compliance with this requirement with respect to such registers by its own efforts.

Required documents:

8 necessary supply experience: the participant of competitive bidding shall have the supplies of goods in accordance with class XX / subclass XX.X “All-Russian Classifier of Products by Types of Economic Activity" (OKPD 2) OK 034-2014 «КПЕС 2008» in the total amount of at least __________accomplished in 20__-20__ (the period includes the last three calendar years and the elapsed period of the current calendar year before the originally set date for opening access to applications) under the concluded contracts

Required documents:

  • statement of experience in performing contracts which must be attached with copies of the following documents executed in accordance with the accounting rules: 1. documents which confirm the scope of supplies, are executed under the contract, are signed by the parties to the contract and specify the following data: - contract details (number and date); - list of supplied goods; 2. documents which confirm completion of supplies, are executed under the contract for the purposes of financial reporting, are signed by the parties to the contract and specify the following data: - contract details (number and date); - list of the goods delivered and accepted by the customer under the contract; cost of the goods delivered and accepted by the customer under the contract.

View participant requirements

Requirements for the product:
1 The products must meet the requirements specified in Volume 2 “Technical part”

Required documents:

  • Technical proposal, confirming the fulfillment of each requirement stipulated by the technical part of the procurement documentation (Volume 2), in accordance with the instructions given in the procurement documentation (the relevant Form), including: · specifications of equipment and materials, proposed technical solutions, estimates, drawings, diagrams; · the name of the manufacturer and the country of origin of the goods; · ___. [if necessary, based on item 1) of Annex 1 to this Methodology]: To confirm the requirements specified in the Initial Technical Requirements (ITR) of Volume 2 "Technical Part" of the Procurement Documentation, the TOR (Technical Specifications) or draft TOR (Technical Specifications) for equipment that meets the technical characteristics established in the ITR shall be provided. In case a participant of the purchase procedure submits a requirements specification for new (upgraded or modified) equipment, the requirements of Subclauses 6.1 and 6.2 of GOST 15.016-2016 shall be used as a basis for preparing such requirements; If the participant submits as part of the bid draft specifications, the structure of the draft TS submitted should meet the requirements of Section 5 of GOST 2.114-2016 (for engineering and instrument-making products), Sections 4 and 5 of GOST R 51740-2016 (for food products), Section 4.2 of GOST R 58093-2018 (for products of ferrous metallurgy), for other products - the requirements of Sections 5 and 6 of GOST R 1.3-2018. In case a participant of the purchase submits a TOR (TS) that does not fully meet the requirements of the ITT, the analysis of the submitted TOR (TS) must be attached to the application, containing a confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the ITT. [in the procurement of any goods] In the technical proposal submitted as part of the bid for participation in the procurement, the participant shall specify the name of the manufacturer of each proposed product, specific technical solutions, brands, models, etc., without the words "or analog ("or equivalent"). [in the procurement of goods, if the customer is subject to Government Decree No. 925] If the country of origin of the goods is not specified, when giving priority, according to the Government Decree of the Russian Federation of 16.09.2016 No. 925, the application will be considered as containing an offer to supply foreign goods.

View product requirements

Participation forms:
Procurement bid
Cost summary table for goods delivery
Schedule of payment of goods to be delivered/works to be performed/services to be rendered
Technical proposal
Actions: Check out the rules of procedure
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Скачать архивом: Документация о закупке Закупка во исполнение доходных договоров (УЗ) 2962864
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157-1517 Скачать файл Электронный_документ_Извещение о проведении закупки..pdf Электронный_документ_Извещение о проведении закупки. 28.07.2022 17:55
157-1520 Скачать файл Приложение 1 - проект договора.part1.rar Приложение 1 - проект договора.part1 28.07.2022 17:55
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157-1526 Скачать файл Приложение 1 - проект договора.part2.rar Приложение 1 - проект договора.part2 28.07.2022 17:55
157-1527 Скачать файл Приложение 1.1. запрос заявок на участие в закупке..doc Приложение 1.1. запрос заявок на участие в закупке. 28.07.2022 17:55
157-1528 Скачать файл Приложение 4 - требования к участникам закупки...docx Приложение 4 - требования к участникам закупки.. 28.07.2022 17:55
157-1529 Скачать файл Приложение 6 - критерии и методика оценки заявок участников..docx Приложение 6 - критерии и методика оценки заявок участников. 28.07.2022 17:56
157-1530 Скачать файл Приложение 7 - методика расчета обеспеченности фин ресурсами.docx Приложение 7 - методика расчета обеспеченности фин ресурсами 28.07.2022 17:56
157-1531 Скачать файл Приложение 8 - ценовой анализ.rar Приложение 8 - ценовой анализ 28.07.2022 17:56
157-1532 Скачать файл Приложение 1 - проект договора.part3.rar Приложение 1 - проект договора.part3 28.07.2022 17:56

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